Financial Due Diligence

The term „Due Diligence“ describes the careful, systematic and detailed investigation, examination and analysis of the data of an investment, take-over or merger candidate or the disclosure of information by the target object itself. Due Diligence extends far beyond the formal audit of, for example, the annual financial statements or the trading books. In Financial […]
Fraud Investigation & Forensic Audit

Every company can be affected by fraud, bribery and corruption. Financial losses and a great damage to one’s reputation and image can follow Scientists have discovered that the risk of fraudulent conduct increases: the greater the possibilities to do so are the easier the inner justification the greater the pressure or inducement (gambling debts) Do […]
IFRS/US-GAAP Consultancy

Due to our long-standing experience in the application of international accounting standards, we can offer you the following: Advice in the change of your accounting system to IFRS/US-GAAP Compilation of a custom-made corporate handbook Compilation or audit of accounts according to IFRS/US-GAAP Compilation or audit of Reporting Packages Execution or audit of purchase price allocations […]
Corporate Accounting

The auditors at TPA offer you the following services in group accounting and in accordance with national and international (IFRS/US-GAAP) accounting principles: Preparation of consolidated financial statements including reporting system Setting up of groups reporting Compilation of Reporting Packages Preparation of internal handbooks (Group Accounting Manuals) Special questions relating to consolidation Determination of the group […]
Annual Audit

The aim of both the legally required as well as the voluntary audit is the submission of an auditing opinion as to whether the financial statements comply with legal requirements and to provide as accurately as possible an indication of the situation as regards assets, finances and revenue. Further, it is to be ascertained whether […]
Risk Management (Risk Controlling)

In essence, the aim of an effective risk management system is to ensure the continuation of the company and that the company goals are achieved To this end, it is necessary, as far as possible, to fully identify and analyse corporate risks and to assess the effects of these risks on the company. Coping with […]
Prospectus Control And Other Assurance Services

The auditing experts at TPA have extensive expertise in the area of special and specific audits and can, therefore, offer audits in the following: Audits in company law (establishment, deposits, merger, conversion, spin-off and remaining assets audits) Special audits in accordance with stock corporation law Audits of capital market prospectuses Audits in the public sector […]